1st April 2020

Tax allowances

The National Audit Office has published a report on tax reliefs. The UK tax system had 1,190 tax reliefs (as at October 2019). A tax relief reduces the tax an Read More

15th March 2020

Social policies and distributional outcomes

Social Policies and Distributional Outcomes (SPDO) event – The Conservatives’ record on Social Security: Policies, Spending and Outcomes This was the title of a seminar held at the London School of Read More

27th February 2020

Kelly Bogue, The Divisive State of Social Policy

Kelly Bogue, The Divisive State of Social Policy: The ‘bedroom tax’, austerity and housing insecurity, Policy Press, 2019, viii + 195 pp, hbk, 1 4473 5056 9, £75 This book Read More

27th February 2020

Midgley, Surender andAlfers (eds), Handbook of Social Policy and Development

James Midgley, Rebecca Surender and Laura Alfers (eds), Handbook of Social Policy and Development, Edward Elgar, 2019, xiii + 486 pp, hbk, 1 78536 842 4, £155 The eBook version Read More

16th February 2020

Neither Universal nor Creditable: A report on Universal Credit

Neither universal nor creditable: The report of the Citizen’s Basic Income Trust’s Universal Credit working group to the trustees The Citizen’s Basic Income Trust’s Universal Credit working group At their Read More

14th February 2020

A National Audit Office publication on tax reliefs

The National Audit Office has published a report on tax reliefs. The UK tax system had 1,190 tax reliefs (as at October 2019). A tax relief reduces the tax an Read More

13th February 2020

A new book on the social minimum contains discussions of Citizen’s Basic Income

Hart Publishing has published a new book, Specifying and Securing a Social Minimum in the Battle Against Poverty, edited by Toomas Kotkas, Ingrid Leijten and Frans Pennings The publisher says Read More

13th February 2020

New research on the simplicity claimed for Universal Credit

Kate Summers of the London School of Economics and David Young of the University of Bath have published new research in the Journal of Poverty and Social Justice. A key Read More

3rd February 2020

Anna Coote and Andrew Percy, The Case for Universal Basic Services

Review article Anna Coote and Andrew Percy, The Case for Universal Basic Services, Polity, 2020, 1 5095 3983 3, vi + 162 pp, pbk, £9.99 The book begins with a Read More

19th December 2019

Prize-winning article on income-tested benefits

An article by Jane Millar and Peter Whiteford has won the 2019 Best Paper Prize of the Foundation for International Studies on Social Security (FISS) sponsored by the Journal of Read More