Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2, 2020
- Editorials: Coronavirus: and the next time it happens; Tackling inequality and poverty; Tax allowances
- News
- Main articles:
Neither universal nor creditable: The report of the Citizen’s Basic Income Trust’s Universal Credit working group
Getting Basic Income done
- Reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1, 2020
- Editorials: Citizen’s Basic Income: a response to poverty; The OECD reiterates previous flawed research on Citizen’s Basic Income; Citizen’s Basic Income and social cohesion
- News
- Conferences
- Main article: General Election Manifestos
- Reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 4, 2019
- Editorials: Brexit and inequality; Digital by default; Two events
- Research note: Updated microsimulation research results and responses to questions, by Malcolm Torry
- Conference report: The 2019 BIEN Congress in India
- News
- Review article: Philippe Van Parijs (ed.), Basic Income and the Left, by Luke Martinelli
- Reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3, 2019
- Editorials: Some rather diverse reports; Andy Haldane’s participation income
- Main article: Basic Income and cryptocurrency, by Daniel Mermelstein
- News
- Conference report: The future of working time: A 4 day week? By Jay Ginn
- Conference notice: The BIEN 2019 congress in India
- Reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2, 2019
- Editorials: Finland; The emergence of consensus
- Main articles: Family carers accessing benefits and support: Which bespoke provisions are useful, and which could be universalised? By Anna Heyman; Basic Income: Towards an intellectual history, by Pedro Ramos Pinto
- News
- Conference notice: The BIEN 2019 congress in India
- Reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1, 2019
- Editorials: Means-testing is not inevitable; Green support for Citizen’s Basic Income; Inequalities; Universal Basic Services; An agenda for welfare reform
- Main article: Citizen’s Basic Income and Citizen’s Basic Income schemes: definitions and details
- News
- Book reviews
- A request for money
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 4, 2018
- Editorials: IPPR’s new report; a blog post
- Main article: BIEN Congress, Finland, Closing reflections, by Annie Miller;
- State of the pilot projects, by James Rolls
- News
- Book reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3, 2018
- Editorials: The future of employment; £10,000 for 25 year olds
- Main article: Illustrative draft legislation for a Citizen’s Basic Income
- Research note: A separate and distinct income tax
- Conferences
- News
- Book reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2, 2018
- Editorial: Debating Citizen’s Basic Income at the London School of Economics
- Research note: Participative exercises at the Citizen’s Basic Income Day at the LSE
- Main article: Who should receive a Citizen’s Basic Income?
- News
- Book reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1, 2018
- Editorials: Yet another opinion poll; the debate continues
- A Citizen’s Basic Income day at the London School of Economics
- Main articles:
- The ideal meets the practical, by Anna Wood
- Alternatives to Citizen’s Basic Income
- News
- Book reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 4, 2017
- Editorials
- Main articles:
- Would a Citizen’s Basic Income pilot project in the UK be possible
- Citizen’s Basic Income and Housing
- News
- Viewpoint: The Inevitability of Deficit, by Geoff Crocker
- Book reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3, 2017
- Editorials
- Main article: Unequal Recognition: othering ‘the poor’, by Ruth Lister
- News
- Viewpoint: Helicopter Money and Basic Income, by Rachel Oliver
- Book reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2, 2017
- Editorials
- Main article: Behavioural Effects of a Citizen’s Income on wages, job security and labour supply, by Anne Gray
- News
- Book reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1, 2017
- Editorials
- A new book
- Main article: Debate at the Institute for Policy Research, by Luke Martinelli and Malcolm Torry
- News
- Research note: An up to date evaluation of a Citizen’s Income scheme
- Book reviews
- Conference announcement
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3, 2016
- Three new books: The Feasibility of Citizen’s Income, by Malcolm Torry; The Corruption of Capitalism, by Guy Standing; Citizen’s Basic Income: A Christian social policy, by Malcolm Torry
- Editorial: Referenda
- Main articles: The way we work is changing, but the welfare state hasn’t kept pace with the times, by Ursula Huws; Beveridge’s rival: Juliet Rhys-Williams and the campaign for tax-benefit integration, by Peter Sloman
- Research note: Some typical household effects of a Citizen’s Income scheme, by Gareth Morgan
- The Citizen’s Income Trust: A progress report
- News
- Event reports: Conway Hall, 11th July 2016; the launch event for the Compass report; highlights of a conference on the future of work, by Lucas Delattre
- Viewpoint: What can we learn from a campaign for zero-loss mining in Goa? by Rahul Basu and Deepak Narayanan
- Book reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2, 2016
- Editorials: Increasing the Personal Allowance: consequences for voting preferences and disposable income; Why so much interest?; Reciprocity; Administrative complexity
- Main article: Childcare costs, by Mark Wadsworth
- Research notes: An attempt to study the intra-household transfers generated by a Citizen’s Income scheme, by Malcolm Torry; Methods for calculating the cost of a Citizen’s Income scheme and the gains and losses that households would experience at the point of implementation, by Malcolm Torry
- Debate report
- News
- Viewpoint: If Citizen’s Income is the answer, what is the question? by Frances Hutchinson
- Book reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1, 2016
- Editorials: Transparency; The Adam Smith Institute and a Negative Income Tax; Terminology
- Main article: Citizen’s Pension in the Netherlands, by Jay Ginn
- Research notes: 1. The net income effects of two Citizen’s Income schemes; 2. an evaluation of a Citizen’s Income scheme that retains and recalculates means-tested benefits in relation to the number of claims for means-tested benefits and the amounts of means-tested benefits claimed, by Malcolm Torry
- News and book reviews
- Viewpoint: The role of public services in Citizen’s Income, by Andrew Percy
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3, 2015
- New publications
- Editorials: Manifestos; Quantitative Easing for the people
- Two feasible ways to implement a revenue neutral Citizen’s Income scheme, by Malcolm Torry
- News
- Book reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2, 2015
- Editorials: Think tanks; localisation; the Institute for Fiscal Studies’ Green Budget
- How close is the new state Single Tier Pension (ST) to a Citizen’s Pension? by Jay Ginn
- A Green Party perspective, by Penny Remfry and Alison Whalley
- Obituary: Philip Vince, by Anne Miller
- News
- Conference reports: A future without poverty (Fabian Society and Bright Blue); The Case for Universal Basic Income (London Futurists)
- Book reviews
- Viewpoint: An Unconditional Citizen’s Income, by Ursula Huws
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1, 2015
- Book launch
- Editorials: predistribution; the necessity and feasibility of a Citizen’s Income; benefits sanctions; fair benefits
- Research note: A feasible way to implement a Citizen’s Income, by Malcolm Torry
- News
- Book reviews
- Viewpoint: The prospects for a Citizen’s Income scheme in Scotland after the Referendum, by Anne Miller
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3, 2014
- Editorials
- A report on the Citizen’s Income Trust’s conference at the British Library in June
- Reports on the BIEN Congress in June and on the Social Policy Association Conference in July
- Unconditional: The limits of evidence, by Alex Cobham
- Experiments in Euromod, by Chris Stapenhurst
- News
- Book reviews
- Viewpoint: In Place of Pensions: Why there is no alternative to a Citizen’s Income, by Harry Shutt
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2, 2014
- Conference announcement
- Editorials
- The Green Party reaffirms its commitment to Citizen’s Income
- The People’s Parliament: a report on a meeting at the House of Commons
- Indian pilot projects
- A report on a meeting at the Scottish Parliament
- Obituary: Ailsa McKay
- Main articles:
- Arguing for a Citizen’s Income in a new Scotland, by Ailsa McKay
- Is Citizen’s Income the answer to workfare? by Anne Gray
- News items
- Book reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1, 2014
- A meeting at the Houses of Parliament on the 4th March 2014
- Editorials
- Main article: The political feasibility of a Citizen’s Income in the UK, by Malcolm Torry
- News items
- A conference notice
- Book reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3, 2013
- Editorials
- News items
- A conference notice
- Book review
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2, 2013
- Editorials on the 2013 Budget and on Compass’s Plan B+1
- Main article: Can Basic Income Cash Transfers Transform India?, by Guy Standing
- News items
- Book reviews
- Viewpoint: Scottish Welfare after Independence, by Anne Miller
- A new book, Money for Everyone
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1, 2013
- An editorial
- Main article: A rule-of-thumb basic income model for the UK, by Anne Miller
- News items
- A conference report on the BIEN Congress, 2012, in Munich, and a conference notice
- Research note: a French microsimulation
- Book reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3, 2012
- An editorial
- Research note: A Citizen’s Income scheme’s winners and losers, by Malcolm Torry
- News items
- Review essay: The message of James Robertson’s Future Money, by Conall Boyle
- Book reviews
- Viewpoint: Why Austerity is the Wrong Answer to Debt, by Geoff Crocker
- The Citizen’s Income Trust’s website
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2, 2012
- An editorial
- Main article: Iran’s Citizen’s Income Scheme and its lessons, byHamid Tabatabai
- Research note: Winners and losers, by Malcolm Torry
- News items
- Conference report
- Book reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1, 2012
- An editorial
- Main article: Passported benefits and a Citizen’s Income, by Anne Miller
- News items
- Conference notices
- An interview with Guy Standing: Social insurance is not for the Indian economy of the 21st Century
- Book reviews
- A Viewpoint: The human cost of flexible labour, by Deborah Padfield
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3, 2011
- An editorial
- The Citizen’s Income Trust’s response to the Government’s consultation paper on state pension reform, A State Pension for the 2st century
- The Big Society and Citizen’s Income, by Bill Jordan
- News items
- Book reviews
- A Viewpoint: A Perspective from Shanghai, by Tim Hawkins
- The BIEN Congress 2012: Citizen’s Income Trust bursaries
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2, 2011
- An editorial
- An article on a new bestseller in Germany, by Conall Boyle
- Other news items
- An obituary: Kevin Donnelly
- A main article: The International Labour Organisation’s analysis of social transfers worldwide augurs well for a Citizen’s Income in the context of middle and low-income countries, by Ian Orton
- A review essay, Two memoirs tell the history of the Alaska Dividend, by Karl Widerquist
- Book reviews
- A Viewpoint: Where does housing fit in? by Jake Eliot
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1, 2011
- An editorial
- An article on Iran’s establishment of a de facto Citizen’s Income
- Other news items
- A conference notice and call for papers
- A review by Anne Millerof the Government’s white paper Universal Credit: Welfare that Works
- Book reviews
- A Viewpoint by Mary Mellor
- An apology relating to ‘With apologies to Yes, Minister’
- With apologies to Yes, Minister
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3, 2010
- An editorial on the September 2010 Conservative Party conference Child Benefit announcement
- An additional editorial on the October 2010 Citizen’s Pension announcement
- 21st Century Welfare, a summary
- A response to 21st Century Welfare
- News
- Conference report
- Book reviews
- A Viewpoint by Karl Widerquist
- With apologies to Yes, Minister
PDF Version of Additional Editorial
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2, 2010
- Editorials on the ‘Big Society’ and on universal provision
- A research note on a possible Citizen’s Income scheme’s effects on labour market incentives
- Obituary: Charlotte Markson
- News and conference reports
- Book reviews
- A Viewpoint by Bill Jordan.
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1, 2010
- Progress report
- BIEN Conference announcement
- Review article, The Spirit Level, by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett
- Book reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3, 2009
- A Citizen’s Income for All: A report on a seminar series co-ordinated by the Citizen’s Income Trust
- Minimum Income Standards: a challenge for Citizen’s Income, by Anne Miller
- Book reviews
- Viewpoints: 1. The Citizen’s Dividend: sharing the wealth of the commons, by Jeffery Smith; and 2. An automatic stabiliser to avert a depression, by Guy Standing
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2, 2009
- Can Unconditional Cash Transfers Work? They Can: a report on a seminar about a significant Citizen’s Income pilot study in Namibia
- Promoting Citizen’s Income without Bashing Bureaucracy? (Yes, We Can), by Lindsay Stirton and Jurgen De Wispelaere
- Citizen’s Income and Administration, by Anne Miller
- Book reviews
- Viewpoint
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1, 2009
- A Citizen’s Income for All? The Citizen’s Income Trust’s seminar series for 2009
- Editorials: The Chancellor of the Exchequer’s pre-budget report, Beatrice Webb’s 1909 minority report, the Government’s welfare refor proposals
- News
- Articles: Is a Citizen’s Income the answer? by Anne Miller; The Citizen’s Income and Child labour: two ships passing at night, by Ian Orton; Jeremy Waldron and the Basic Income debate, by Karl Widerquist
- Conference Reports
- Book Reviews
- Call for papers: Citizen’s Income sessions at the Social Policy Association conference, Edinburgh, 29th June to 1st July 2009
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3, 2008
- Editorial: The Progressive Left
- News
- Main Article: Why a Participation Income might not be such a great idea after all, by Jurgen de Wispelaere and Lindsay Stirton
- Conference Report
- Book Reviews
- Viewpoint: Stone Age Economics
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2, 2008
- Editorial: Employment incentives
- News items
- Parliamentary report: a report on the debate in the House of Commons on the House of Commons Work and Pensions Committee’s report Benefits Simplification
- Conference report
- Book reviews
- Viewpoint: the lump of labour fallacy
- From the Press
- The Citizen’s Income Trust’s seminar series in 2009
- Contributing financially to the Citizen’s Income Trust
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1, 2008
- Editorials: on growing inequality and employment incentives
- News items
- Conference reports
- The main article is Eight Challenges for Basic Income, by Tony Fitzpatrick
- Book reviews
- A research note on the utility or otherwise of being employed for a few hours a week
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3, 2007
- The editorial congratulates the Parliamentary Work and Pensions Select Committee on their important report Benefits Simplification
- News items
- the main article is about a relationship between a Citizen’s Income and corporate watch
- Book reviews
- A viewpoint on Edmund Phelps’s views on a universal basic income
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2, 2007
- The main article is the results of our survey of the House of Commons and the House of Lords
- News items
- Reports on BIEN and USBIG conferences
- Book reviews
- A viewpoint on Land Value Tax
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1, 2007
- An editorial from Private Eye
- news items
- book reviews
- a reprint of a Thinkpiece from Compass
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3, 2006
- An editorial about Child Benefit
- news items
- a review article and book reviews
- the main article is one of the winning essays in the Citizen’s Income Trust’s essay competition: Why we ought to listen to Zygmunt Bauman, by Ian Orton
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2, 2006
- An editorial about child poverty and pensions reform
- news and press items about tax credits
- two book reviews
- and the main article is one of the winning essays in the Citizen’s Income Trust’s essay competition: Wollstonecraft’s Dilemma: Is a Citizen’s Income the Answer? By Laura Bambrick
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1, 2006
- This newsletter contains an editorial about the Turner Report, and a single major article on assumptions and calculations for a simple Citizen’s Income scheme
James Meade Commemorative Edition, 2005
- A compilation of James Meade’s writings on a Citizen’s Income
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3 2005
- A variety of editorials, reports on radio interviews on Citizen’s Income, news items, and book reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2 2005
- Loek Groot Toward a European Basic Income Experiment
- Reviews – Promoting Income Security as a Right.
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1 2005
- Jurgen de Wispelaere and Lindsay Stirton – The many faces of Universal Basic Income
- Reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3 2004
- MP’s Survey Report
- A particular CI scheme
- Party Conference Reports
- Anne Miller – Basic Income European Network Congress
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2 2004
- Anne Miller – The Blue Book: Taxes, transfers and government expenditure
- Reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1 2004
- The Truth the Tables tell
- Philip Vince’s second thoughts on the report Citizenship and a Citizen’s Income
- Reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3 2003
- Citizenship and a Citizen’s Income
- Review Kritein Rummery, Disability CItizenship and Community Care
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2 2003
- The Irish Situation
- Liberal Democrat Pension Policy
- Reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1 2003
- Pay As You Go funding for pensions: panacea or pariah?
- News
- Events
- Reviews
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3 2002
- Response to the Labour Party’s A Modern Welfare State
- 9th Congress of the Basic Income European Network, Income and Security as a Right
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2 2002
- Social Security Policy Under New Labour
- Reviews
- Duncan B. Forrester, On Human Worth: A Chirstian Vindication of Equality
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1 2002
- The launch of the Pivot Iniative’s report Hope for Housing Benefit: a strategy for housing benefit reform.
- The Zacchaeus 2000 Trust comments on how the governemnt’s New Deal scheme is working:
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3 2001
- The Trade Unions, Tax-Benefit Reform and Basic Income: Stumbling towards a Policy?
- Obituary: Evelyn McEwen
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2 2001
- Jan Otto Andersson. Why does Basic Income thrill the Finns, but not the Swedes?
- Canada – Jean Chretien is considering the creation of a cradle to gravemguaranteed income programme
- Ireland The Conference of Religious Of Ireland Justice Commission welcomes interest in a Basic Income
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1 2001
- Stuart White. Rediscovering Republican Political Economy
- Michael S Northcott, Fair Shares for All?
- Prof. Bill Jordan, Building Democracy: Developing a moe cohesive society
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 3 2000
- Lynne Jones MP, Why the Govenment should think again on pensions
- Alaska Permanent Fund
- Book Reviews
- Pensioners need £90 a week to live on, MP’s tell Government
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 2 2000
- SNP on Social Security
- CI versus the Minimun Wage
- Book Reviews including – Stumbling Towards a Basic Income
Citizen’s Income Newsletter, Issue 1 2000
- Making Pensions work for women
- BIEN Conference held Brussels November 99
- Regulating for Empoyablility
- A Basic Income Movement in Sweden
Citizen’s Income Newsletter No 3, Autumn 1999
- Social Policy Annunal Conference University of Surrey
- Update on Basic Income Developments in Ireland
- Tacking Poverty and Extedning Opportunity
- J.K. Galbraith promotes CI
Citizen’s Income Newsletter No 2, Winter 1998
- Seminar reports: BIEN, September 98, Amsterdam
- Flexibility, Competitiveness and Benefits, September 98 at the LSE
- Policy Developments: Guaranteed minimum income for pensioners?
- Report: Chance for a change in Germany, Rowswitha Pioch
Citizen’s Income Newsletter No 1, Autumn 1998
- Seminar reports: Capital Labour and Citizenship, July 98 at the LSE
- People’s Europe 1998: The future of work in Europe
- Policy Developments: an overview of Government consultation documents and their implications for a Citizen’s Income
- Television: Counterblast BBC2 ‘After Work’, Conall Boyle
- Obituary: Geoffrey Hubbard
Bulletin 25 (February 1998)
- New Labour, Old Times, Ruth Lister
- Think big, implement small, Tim Gbedemah and Philip Cullum
- Sharing the rice bowl: A Citizen’s Pension, Nigel Vinson
- What’s wrong with National Insurrance? Joe Harris
- How to get rid of the poverty trap, Hermione Parker and Holly Sutherland
- Viewpoint: Is Citizen’s Income still a serious option? David
Bulletin 24 (July 1997)
- Citizenship, employability and the labour market, Raymond Plant
- Basic Income system has merit for Ireland, Garrett Fitzgerald
- Unemployment and the future of work, Andrew Britton
- Social Security in the computer age, Joe Lee
- Being realistic about pensions reform, Tony Salter
- Obituaries: Nancy Seear, Hans Breitenbach, Desmond Banks
- Viewpoint: New Labour, new millennium: What hope for CI, Chris Downs
Bulletin 23 (February 1997)
- Children, Families and Citizen’s Income, Roger Smith
- Is Basic Income the answer? Some findings from Ireland, Anne McManujs
- Basic Income plus, Jim Lester talks to Susan Raven
- Building blocks for a new society, Jan Otto Andersson
- BI in the Netherlands? , Robert J. Van der Veen
- Viewpoint: Core plus: Towards a more logical welfare structure, Andrew Dobson
Bulletin 22 (July 1996)
Surfers’ Saviour, Brian Barry
- BI for beginners, Richard Clements
- Citizen’s Income and family policy, Clive Soley MP talks to SusanRaven
- Private provision – public concern, Marilyn Howard and Tim Lawrence
- BI for intermediates, Hermione Parker and Susan Raven
- What kinds of people do we wish to be? , Fred Twine
- Obituary: Stanley Booth-Clibborn, Anne Miller
- Viewpoint: Trickle Up … , Hans Breitenbach
Bulletin 21 (February 1996)
- Labour market effects of CI: A trade union standpoint, Barrie Sherm;an and Phil Judkins
- Earnings top-up or Basic Income and a minimum wage, Hermione Parker and Holly Sutherland
- interview: Lord Vinson talks to Susan Raven
- Citizens’ pensions and women, Jay Ginn
- Obituary: James Meade, Tony Atkinson
- Viewpoint: Thoughts from Wythenshawe, Abigail Thomas
Bulletin 20 (July 1995)
- Citizen’s Income and families, Richard Whitfield
- Welfare and efficiency in a non-work society, Francesco Silva, Marco Ponti, Andres Balzarotti and Ronald Dore
- Interview: Susan Raven talks to Alan Duncan MP
- Gearing up for the next general election, Richard Clements
- Basic Income in Ireland, JohnBaker
- Viewpoint: Responsibilities as well as right, Gordon Borrie
Bulletin 19 (February 1995)
- Director’s View: Opportunities scuppered, hijacked, missed … , Richard Clements
- Guaranteed minimum income in Brazil? , Eduardo Matarazzo Suplicy
- Borrie is no Beveridge: Citizen’s Income now! , Meghnad Desai
- Every citizen a rentier, Dominic Hobson and Alan Duncan MP
- Interviews: Susan Raven talks to Tony Atkinson and Penelope Leach
- basic Income and economic efficiency, Ken Mayhew
- Why a £20 CI is better than lowering income tax to 20%, Hermione Parker and Holly Sutherland
- Viewpoint: thoughs from Capri – Basic Income as a global idea, Gunnar Adler-Karlson
Bulletin 18 (July 1994)
- Basic Income, 1994: Redistributive effects of transitional Bis, Hermione Parker and Holly Sutherland
- To BI or not to BI? An exchange of letters between Sir William Goodhart and Hermione Parker
- Stranded: Susan Raven talks to Austin Mitchell MP
- The changing context: CI as part of a larger reform package, James Robertson
- Citizen’s Income and renewable money: the need to re-examine social credit-type systems, Pat Conaty
- The root cause of high public spending is poverty, Richard Clements
- Viewpoint: For Citizen’s Income read Citizens Investment, Charles Handy
Bulletin 17 (January 1994)
- What’s Left? Thomas Paine and Citizen’s Income, Stephen Quilley
- Citizen’s Income, Hermione Parker
- Labour’s Social Justice Commission, Susan Raven talks to Sir Gordon Borrie
- From insertion income to existence income, Chantal Euz
- Basic Income as Trade Union policy, Rik van Berkel
- How much is enough? CI and family budget standards, Autumn Yu
- Viewpoint: Thinking straight about benefits, John Robson
Bulletin 16 (July 1993)
- Universal Benefit, Christopher Monckton
- Participation income, Tony Atkinson
- Does ‘Insertion’ work? France’s minimum income, Timothy Whitton
- Citizen’s Income, minimum wages and work sharing, Anne Gray
- Basic Income in Spain? , Luis Ayala
- Citizen Capital, Berry Hayward
- Viewpoint: Citizen’s Income and the Trade Unions, Richard Exell
Bulletin 15 (July 1992)
- Make it BIG, Meghnad Desai Eurogrant, Michel Genet and Philippe van Parijs
- A Christian slant on Basic Income, Ronald Preston
- Demogrant transfers in Canada and the Basic Income standard, Derek Hum and Wayne Simpson
- Social Security in Greece, Gabriel Amitsis
- The politics of Citizen’s Income: a wake and an awakening, Bill Jordan
- How claimants react to BI, Rik van Berkel and Theo Hindriks
- Viewpoint: Left out: The Labour Party and Basic Income, Kevin Donnelly
- What the politicians say, Michael Meacher and Paddy Ashdown
- Communicating Basic Income, David Smith
- The jobs dilemma: ecological versus economic issues, Sylke Nissen
- Modest-but-adequate food budgets, Michael Nelson and Anne-Marie Mayer
- The two Williams, Malcolm Torry
- Freeing up the labour market? , Jean-Yves Duclos
- Viewpoint: Action for the unemployed, Philip Riley
- Solidarity, Mark Boeuf
- Basic Income in the new Europe, James Meade
- Child Benefit, Child Tax Allowances and Basic Incomes, Hermione Parker and Holly Sutherland
- Can it happen? , Susan Raven talks to Sir Ralf Dahrendorf
- Income Distribution in Czechoslovakia, Jiri Vecernik
- Basic Incomes, democracy and the labour marker, Georg Vobruba
- Viewpoint: Basic Income, An inner city perspective, Keith Argyle
Bulletin 12 (February 1991)yBulletin No 12, February 1991
- The Alaska Permanent Fund and dividend distribution programme, J. Patrick O’Brien and Dennis O. Olsen
- Terminology, Hermione Parker
- Basic Income as a lever for economic efficiency, Ken Mayhew
- How much is enough? , Jonathan Bradshaw
- Towards a full BI, Greetje Lubbi
- Can a BI-type scheme be made affordable? , Steven Webb
- Australia: arguments for Basic Income in a poor-law welfare state, Peter Travers
- Viewpoint: the rights of children – a justification of Basic Income, hitherto unremarked, Maire Mullarney
- Bulletin 11 (July)
- The Third Age, Charles Handy
- The Poverty Trap: poor people’s accounts, Bill Jordan with Simon James
- Basic Income: alternative benefit or new paradigm, Joop Roebroek and Eric Hoogenboom
- Can it happen? , Susan Raven talks to Sally Greengross and Sue Slipman
- Getting paid for doing nothing: plain justice or ignominy? , Philippe van Parijs
- Citizen’s Income, Philip Vince
- Viewpoint: Basic Incomes and industrial development, Victor Ourbridge
- Bulletin 10 (Autumn Winter)
- Topsy-turvy nationalisation, James Meade
- Breaking the poverty trap: A Basic Income, Paddy Ashdown MP
- Proposals for a guaranteed minimum income in Italy, Maria Luisa Mirabile
- Citizenship, Basic Income and democracy, David Purdy
- Pensions, taxes and welfare, T.A. Salter
- Viewpoint: Basic Income: value or price? , Conall Boyle
- Bulletin 9 (Spring/Summer)
- Existence income and activity income, Henri Guitton
- Can it happen? , Susan Raven talks to Frank Field MP
- Denmark’s Basic Pension, Adam Trier
- Proposals for a Basic Income in the Republic of Ireland, Chris O’Malley MEP
- Viewpoint: A place at the board, Kevin Donnelly
- Bulletin 7 (Spring)
- What are Basic Incomes? , Bill Jordan
- Are Basic Incomes feasible? , Hermione Parker
- Alternatives to Basic Income, Fran Bennett
- The implications of BI for people with disabilities, BIRG Disability Working Group
- removal of private pension tax relief’s: viewpoint from an actuary, Geraldine Kay
- Mutual responsibility, Malcolm Torry
- Viewpoint: Towards an income and work guarantee, Peter Ashby
- Bulletin 8 (Autumn)
- Bulletin 5 (Spring)
- Social security, taxation and family financial arrangements, Jan Pahl
- Basic Incomes, some practical considerations, Philip Vince
- Public support for families with children; a study in British politics, Sir John Walley
- Cash and caring, R.A.B. Leaper
- Viewpoint: Realistic radicalism, Malcolm Torry
- Bulletin 6 (Autumn)
- A Basic Income for youth, Paul Lewis
- Basic Incomes and elderly people, BIRG Elderly Group
- Safeguarding social security in the Netherlands, Jos Dekkers
- Poverty and adequacy, Anne Miller
- Letter from Andrew Brown
- The case for a guaranteed income in France, Bruno Couder
- Childminding costs, Sue Owen
- Journey-to-work costs, Martin J.H. Mogridge
- Viewpoint: Service Credits: a new currency, Edgar Cahn
- Bulletin 3 (Spring)
- Viewpoint: A new deal for all, Keith Roberts
- Costing Basic Incomes, Hermione Parker
- Going, going … gone: the vanishing right of young people to supplementary benefit, Douglas Smith
- Bulletin 4 (Autumn)
- Out of touch; The Fowler reforms of social security, Robert Morley
- The debate about costing, Hermione Parker
- Basic Income and young people, BIRG Youth Group
- Viewpoint: A two-tier Basic Income and a national minimum wage, Robin Smail
- Bulletin 1 Autumn
- Better than Beveridge, Basic Incomes would help achieve…..
- Bulletin 2 (November)
- Basic Incomes – How they might work.
- Rights and ResponsibilitiesEnding the Poverty trap.
- A stake in the Future Economy
Other publications in reverse date order
Citizen’s Basic Income: An introduction (2017)
What is a Citizen’s Basic Income?
How would it work?
Six fundamental changes
Four frequently asked questions
Constructing a feasible Citizen’s Basic Income scheme
An illustrative Citizen’s Basic Income scheme
The effect on means-tested benefits
The effect on inequality and poverty
The effect on a typical household
Housing costs
Implementation methods
Alternatives to Citizen’s Basic Income?
Who would receive a Citizen’s Basic Income?
Further reading
The Citizen’s Income Trust
How you can help
Student Leaflet, 2015
On one side there is a history of income maintenance in the UK, and on the other an introduction to Citizen’s Income
Citizen’s Income, A brief introduction, 2013
This is an updated version of evidence submitted to a parliamentary enquiry in 2006. It employs the national accounts to calculate the changes that would need to be made to the tax and benefits system to fund a Citizen’s Income.
Universal Basic Income – Reciprocity and the Right to Non-Exclusion [PDF Only]
Jurgen de Wispelaere
- The case for a Universal Basic Income
- Parasitism and the Reciprocity Objection against Basic Income
- Equal Opportunity Regimes
- Unequal Opportunity Regeimes
- Equal Access to Jobs
- Constrained Job Rights
- Bsic Income in a Reciprocity – Sensitive Environment
Stumbling Towards Basic Income – The prospects for tax-benefit integration [PDF Only]
Bill Jordan, Phil Agulnik, Duncan Brubridge and Stuart Duffin, April 2000
- Forward by Professor A.B. Atkinson
- Chapter 1 – Political Culture and Tax- Benefit Reform:
- Chapter 2 – The Dynamics of Tax-Benefit Reform:
- Chapter 3 – Implmentation of Tax Benefit Reforms: Conclusion: The PAth of Tax-Benefit Reform.
Citizens Income and Women [PDF Only]
BIRG Discussion Paper No. 2, 1993
- Edited by Hermione Parker.
- Chapters: Paid and unpaid work; Basic Income in a nutshell; The unit of assessment and the basis of entitlement;
- Women as mothers; Women in paid work; Women in old age; Conclusion.
Basic Income and the Labour Market [PDF Only]
Edited by Hermione Parker, 1991
- Chapter 1 – Disnetangling the issues
- Chapter 2 – Bsic Income in a nutshell
- Chapter 3 – False Claims
- Chapter 4 – Labour market trends
- Chapter 5 – Inplications of Basic Income
- Chapter 6 – Implications of Baisc Income – training and education
- Chapter 7 – Implications of Basic Income – equal opportunities
- Chapter 8 Basic Income as part of a wider package
Basic Income A Research Report 1991 [PDF Only]
Prepared for Age Concern by DVL Smith & Associates, 1991
- Awarness and knowledge of, abd attitudes towards the current pensions and benefits system
- Overall attitudes towards the concept of Basic Income and partial Basic Income
- Explaining and communicating the basic/partial income concept
- Presenting the Basic Income Case
Basic Income – BIRG Leaflet 1989
[Adobe Only]
- What is Basic Income
- How would it work
- How would BI’s be paid for?
- Integrating tax and social secruity
- Six fundemental changes
- Full, partial, or transitional
- What is BIRG
- Past Programme
- Further Reading