Institute for Fiscal Studies research on disability benefits

The Institute for Fiscal Studies has published research on disability benefits and the supported care for which Local Authorities are responsible:

… We find that receipt of … support rises as disability increases, with a strong concentration on the most disabled, especially for local‐authority‐funded care. The overlap between the two programmes is confined to the most disabled. Less than half of recipients of local‐authority‐funded care also receive a disability benefit; a third of those in the top 10 per cent of the disability distribution receive neither form of support. Despite being non‐means‐tested, disability benefits display a degree of income and wealth targeting, as a consequence of the socio‐economic gradient in disability and likely disability benefit claims behaviour. The scope for improving income/wealth targeting of disability benefits by means testing them, as some have suggested, is thus less than might be expected. (Ruth Hancock, Marcello Morciano and Stephen Pudney, ‘Public Support for Older Disabled People: Evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing on Receipt of Disability Benefits and Social Care Subsidy’, Fiscal Studies, volume 41, no. 1, March 2019, pp. 19-43)





