26th March 2018

Four EUROMOD working papers

The Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex has published four EUROMOD working papers relevant to the Citizen’s Basic Income Debate. 1. Diego Collado has written Financial Read More

16th March 2018

An update on the Finnish experiment

The Finnish experiment, which has made the unemployment benefit paid to two thousand unemployed people unconditional for a period of two years, is now half way through. Kela, the government agency Read More

14th March 2018

The Equality and Human Rights Commission report on welfare reform

The Equality and Human Rights Commission has published a report on the effects of social security reforms since 2010. … Apart from redesigning some benefits and ending the more damaging Read More

6th March 2018

New Trussell Trust report on food insecurity in the UK

The Trussell Trust has published a report, Financial insecurity, food insecurity, and disability: The profile of people receiving emergency food assistance from The Trussell Trust Foodbank Network in Britain: … Almost Read More

26th February 2018

Beveridge rebooted at the London School of Economics

On Tuesday 20th February 2018 the LSE hosted a Citizen’s Basic Income day. About 150 people attended the morning and afternoon sessions, and 400 the evening debate. In the morning there Read More

18th February 2018

The Royal Society of Arts’ new report suggesting a Universal Basic Opportunity Fund

Anthony Painter, Jake Thorold and Charlie Young have written a report entitled Pathways to Universal Basic Income: The case for a Universal Basic Opportunity Fund. The authors write this: In Read More

16th January 2018

A Citizen’s Basic Income Day at the London School of Economics, 20th February 2018

Readers will be interested to hear that during the LSE Festival, Tuesday 20th February will be a Citizen’s Basic Income Day. The morning and afternoon will consist of lively mixtures Read More

13th January 2018

The Guardian publishes a critique of the Finnish experiment

An article in The Guardian studies how the Finnish experiment is working out: … The Finnish experiment’s design and objectives mean it should perhaps not really be seen as a Read More

8th January 2018

Alternatives to Citizen’s Basic Income

Discussion of alternatives to Citizen’s Basic Income are increasingly debated, so we are here publishing for the first time a paper prepared in 2015 for a consultation organised by some Read More

27th December 2017

A new article on the history of Citizen’s Basic Income in the UK

Peter Sloman’s new article on the history of Citizen’s Basic Income in the UK has been published in the Journal of Social Policy: Universal Basic Income in British Politics, 1918–2018: Read More