Carlos Montaño García at the University of Leeds has written a master’s degree dissertation titled ‘What is the Problem with Basic Income? A Critical Evaluation of the Debates, Ideological Foundations and Perceptions of Young Adults towards the Concept’:
… By considering the perspectives of young people aged 24-29, the findings of this research show:
- The problem-resolution approach of these experiments hinders the political acceptance and broader social support of the idea of basic income.
- Universal humanism as the core ideological foundation of basic income sabotage the idea itself. The arguments of freedom are questioned by notions of young people towards human nature.
- According to the perceptions of young people, there seems to be a disconnection between the ideological conceptions of basic income and the problems of the twenty-first century
Based on the research findings, it is evident that the universal humanism from modernity hampers the ability of policies like basic income to prosper and to have wider public support. This study proposes to rethink modernity’s human-centred ideologies and reprioritise them into a comprehensible agenda for this century. …
To read the dissertation, click here.