The new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires that CBIT ensures that it only uses personal data for the purpose for which it was given and after consent has been obtained. Anyone who began to receive our monthly update after the 7th December 2015 will have asked to receive it by typing their email address into the sign-up box on our website. We therefore have their consent to use the personal data given to us for the purpose of sending a monthly email update. However, if you began to receive regular emails from us before the 7th December 2015 then we cannot be sure that we have your consent to use your email address to send you our monthly updates. If you were receiving regular emails from us before the 7th December 2015, or if you are not sure whether you were or not, and if you wish to continue to receive monthly updates from us, then please sign up to receive the update using the sign-up box on our website. Thank you.
To see the Citizen’s Basic Income Trust’s privacy policy, click here.