1st June 2013

Plan B+1

In response to the Government’s policies for reducing the debt generated by the previous Government’s bail-out of the banks, in 2011 the thinktank Compass published Plan B: a good economy Read More

1st June 2013

The 2013 budget

In his budget George Osborne announced that the individual tax allowance will rise to £10,000 in 2014. This means that £10,000 of an individual’s earned income will be tax free. Read More

25th May 2013

Basic Income Guarantee and Politics: International experiences and perspectives on the viability Income Guarantee, edited by Richard K. Caputo

Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 0 230 11691 7, hbk, ix + 322 pp, £62.50 This volume gathers together a huge of diversity of analysis of national and international political debates over Read More

25th May 2013

Money and Sustainability: The missing link, by Bernard Lietaer, Christian Arnsperger, Sally Goerner, and Stafan Brunnhuber

Triarchy Press for the Club of Rome, EU Chapter, 1 908009 7 53, pbk, 211 pp, £24 This report, written for a European group affiliated to the think tank The Read More

25th March 2013

Basic income Reconsidered: Social justice, liberalism, and the demands of equality, by Simon Birnbaum

Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, xii + 246 pp, hbk, 0 230 11406 7, £62.50 ‘Radical liberalism … holds a substantial universal and unconditional tier of social rights to be one of Read More

21st March 2013

Budget 2013

In his budget George Osborne announced that the individual tax allowance will rise to £10,000 in 2014. This means that £10,000 of an individual’s earned income will be tax free. Read More

5th March 2013

Money for Everyone: Why we need a Citizen’s Income

The Policy Press are planning to publish Money for Everyone: Why we need a Citizen’s Income on the 1st July. The Press says about the book: Due to government cuts, Read More

25th February 2013

How Much is Enough? The Love of Money, and the Case for the Good Life, by Robert Skidelsky and Edward Skidelsky

Allen Lane/Penguin Books, 2012, xi+243 pp, hbk, 1 846 14448 6, £20 The thesis of this book is that there is a ‘good life’ which can be defined independently of Read More

1st February 2013

A French microsimulation

Dr Marc de Basquiat has employed microsimulation software and a household budget survey (named MAUF-MS) of 823,815 individuals aged 18 and above grouped in 458,584 households to calculate the gains Read More

1st February 2013

Citizen’s Income News, Spring 2013

At the Great Lakes Commons Gathering at Notre Dame University in the United States last October James Quilligan, who has recently spoken at a series of seminars in London, proposed Read More