29th January 2019

International Monetary Fund article on Citizen’s Basic Income

The International Monetary Fund has published an article, What is Universal Basic Income? by Maura Francese and Delphine Prady. … Empirical analysis can shed light on the relative redistributive performance of existing social safety Read More

28th January 2019

A new video about Citizen’s Basic Income

A new video has been launched by UBI Europe. Click here to see it. For those who use twitter, the hashtag is #BasicIncome               Read More

24th January 2019

Bare life: An event at the LSE

On Wednesday 23rd January 2019 at the London School of Economics, in Professor Richard Sennett’s public lecture series about the future of the welfare state, Professor Robin Mansell chaired presentations Read More

21st January 2019

The Citizen’s Basic Income Trust’s request for money

The rapid increase in the extent of the Citizen’s Basic Income debate has made some significant demands on our slender funds this year. Demand for our publications has required us Read More

16th January 2019

Universal Credit’s effect on DWP staff

Research on the relationship between Universal Credit and the reasons for civil servants leaving their jobs at the Department for Work and Pensions has been published on the LSE’s British Read More

16th January 2019

New research project at the Institute for Policy Research

The project at the Institute for Policy Research at the University of Bath will examine the scope for Citizen’s Basic Income as a necessary element of macroeconomic demand management. From Read More

8th January 2019

An increasing number of families that receive Child Benefit will pay additional tax

Anyone earning over £50,000 per annum and living in a household that receives Child Benefit has to pay additional Income Tax. The Institute for Fiscal Studies has shown that because Read More

7th January 2019

January 2018 monthly update

The Citizen’s Basic Income Trust has published its monthly update for January 2019. Click here to read it.            

24th December 2018

Evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee’s Welfare Safety Net Inquiry

The Citizen’s Basic Income Trust has submitted evidence to the House of Commons Work and Pensions Committee’s Welfare Safety Net Inquiry. Details of the Inquiry can be found here. The Read More

7th December 2018

ILO paper on Citizen’s Basic Income and ILO social protection floors

Isabel Ortiz, Christina Behrendt, Andrés Acuña-Ulate, and Quynh Anh Nguyen, Universal Basic Income proposals in light of ILO standards:  Key issues and global costing, Social Protection Department, International Labour Organization, Read More